29th January 2025 newsletter
Hi guys. This is the first newsletter from the Institute of Rejuvenation Science (ICR). In these newsletters, Nina and I will tell you what we've done since the last newsletter to accelerate the development of rejuvenation science.
Interview to Modern Healthspan YouTube channel
As this is the first newsletter, the starting point will be the interview in English that we gave to the YouTube channel Modern Healthspan, where we explained our path to the creation of ICR, the experiment we have already conducted and our future plans.
Conversations with CIEnP
After that interview, we started a conversation, initially by phone and then by e-mail, with the main Brazilian center for preclinical tests (including tests on non-human animals), called CIEnP, with the objective of discussing the possibility of bringing to humans the rejuvenation therapy through Pig Plasma Extracellular Particles (PPEPs) from young animals used in rats by Harold Katcher according to his article in Geroscience, with all the safety and efficacy tests required by Anvisa, which is the Brazilian State agency that authorizes the use of drugs in humans in the country. We believe that if rejuvenation is approved for human use in one country, it will quickly spread around the world, and since we are based in Brazil, we decided to perform the procedure here. In addition, if the safety tests are performed at certified institutions, such as CIEnP, their results can be accepted by regulatory bodies in other countries, depending on the case.
In our conversations with CIEnP, they informed us that the only tests we would have to perform in their institution to receive approval from Anvisa are the safety tests. Regarding efficacy tests, we can perform them, for example, in collaboration with Unicamp (State University of Campinas), which is one of the reference institutions in Latin America in scientific terms. In addition, the CIEnP recommended that we establish contact with Anvisa to align the general plan for the safety experiments to be carried out so that the therapy is ready to be tested in humans. For that, our institute, the ICR, made its registration with Anvisa, and we requested a videoconference meeting with Anvisa. We are still waiting for their response regarding that meeting.
Concerns from the public and interview on Instagram
Another activity carried out by the ICR was to clarify the doubts of several people who wrote to us to talk about our experiments and plans; additionally we got in touch with the media outlets that might be interested in divulging the activities of the Institute of Rejuvenation Science. We do this because informing people is part of our mission, also because the development of rejuvenation therapies is not an individual process, but a collective one, and we need all the help we can get. One of the people who came into contact with us was the Chilean psychologist Sergio Schilling, who is also an influencer, with around 50 thousand followers on Instagram. We arranged a live on Instagram to talk about the science of rejuvenation and explain to his followers the projects of our institute. The interview in Spanish was published on 24/01/25 and can be seen here.
Conversation with Unicamp
On 01/22/25 we held an in person meeting with Prof. Marcelo Mori, from Unicamp, to discuss the collaboration of our institute with the university to reproduce Harold Katcher's rat rejuvenation experiment described in the article published in Geroscience. At this meeting, we agreed to perform the rat rejuvenation efficacy experiment in collaboration with Unicamp. However, for that, it is necessary to raise the necessary resources, so we are trying to get donations. When we have secured the necessary funding to carry out the experiment, we will notify you through this newsletter. However, whoever can become a donor to our institute will already be helping in this effort, in addition to collaborating to maintaining the institute. Our perspective is to start the rat rejuvenation experiment still in 2025 if our efforts to raise the resources are successful.
Old rats
In addition, we are currently particularly focused on finding elderly rats to carry out the rat rejuvenation experiment. The experiment will start with 25-month-old male rats, which are much harder to find than 7-month-old rats, which will be the young controls. We are therefore talking to various people and organizations that may have old rats to supply. If you know where we could get these old rats, please contact us.
So that's it. We're carrying on, and we won't rest until we've implemented rejuvenation in human beings. See you next time!